LC filters

For filtering the PD-noise of test transformers

We offer special LC-filters, PI-filters or T-filters. They come with an easily moveable trolley and the appropriate electrodes. The inductors are either air-core inductors or iron-core inductors, both having pros and cons. We are happy to help you find the best solution for your test system. We are able to manufacture filters up to 1000kV and 160A. The attenuation that can be reached is around -60dB, but it is highly dependant on the actual test system. With the right inputs – rated voltage, rated current, PD-level, required attenuation, available room for the filter – we can calculate the best construction. Different types of LC-filters are used to filter the PD-noise coming from noisy test transformers. We have sold several filters – mainly in Asia and America – if you are interested in purchasing an LC-filter, please contact us for more details and the references.